Persuasion: The Art Of Knowing Yourself

Let’s pretend you had a magic wand that if you shake, it will show you what the rest of your life will look like. Would you give it a go or would you throw away the stick and just go with it?

I believe there are two kinds of people in this world: people who make things happen, and those who wait for things to happen. The ones who make things happen will look at the magic wand, have a giggle and walk away, waiting to embark on their next adventure, scared or not. They know where they’re going and how to get there. The others who wait for things to happen however, will immediately shake it to see what’s to come and in 5 seconds, a whole lifetime of events would manifest themselves. Do you think this would make you happy?

I have learned over the years that playing it safe is just an illusion because life is not about that. You will never evolve if you don’t take risks and you won’t grow if you don’t fail and start from the bottom. Being able to take control of your life, regardless of what’s happening in it is going to take you to the next level. I truly believe that everybody has the potential to be great, to create amazing things in this world that will live on way past their time. But many don’t because it’s hard. It’s that simple, they’re just not willing to put in the hard work. They chose to sit down and patiently wait instead. They wait for the right moment, for them to be prepared for it; they wait for the right opportunity to come knocking on their door.

” You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.

There will never be a right time, you just have to start and do it. Don’t wait for things to be perfect, because they will never be. Perfection is simply an illusion we create to trick ourselves into something that isn’t attainable. This way we start feeling hopeful that one day, that perfect moment will arrive. Trust me it won’t, not unless you go get it, or at least meet it half way.

The most successful people I have met didn’t come from wealthy backgrounds, but they were rich in passion and joy for life. These two qualities will take you further than any amount of money ever will. If you want something you have to first be passionate about it. In doing so, you will have the right intention for it to make it happen. Everything that comes from the heart, is genuine and this brings out possibilities. Passion keeps your dreams alive and your vision steady. When you are passionate about what you want to do, you know it’s possible. And if it feels impossible, you will break the barriers to make it happen because that’s what true authenticity flourishes.

There is no special formula for becoming successful, you just have to work hard and believe you can do it. 

Many people look at successful individuals and wonder how they go to where they are. Don’t waste your time trying to decipher the correct formula because it doesn’t exist. It’s actually quite simple when you discover that if you work hard for it and continue to believe that it will happen, eventually it will. The reason why the world’s greatest innovators are able to do what they do is because they never gave up. Self-belief comes with the ability to trust yourself, to know and appreciate who you are. When you realize that you are the only one who needs to believe you can do whatever it is you desire, that’s when you’ll actually do it. Regardless how much encouragement you receive from others, the voice you always need to listen to is your own. Know you are good enough to achieve everything you want and more. Start believing and take action on that self-power and magic will happen.

Listen to your inner voice and follow your intuition. You know what’s right for you. 

When you look at the world’s most high achieving athletes, one of the key things that always stands out is their ability to focus on their target. So many times, we know what we really want, but we sometimes let ourselves distracted by others’ opinions. Keep your dreams to yourself, you are the only validation you need. Focus you attention inward and realize that you are the only person who needs to give you the go ahead on where you are going. If you really think about it, you know deep down what you are good at and what makes you happy. Don’t lose track of that feeling and direct your energy on what feels right for you.

19 thoughts on “Persuasion: The Art Of Knowing Yourself

  1. New Media Works says:

    I disagree — I don’t think individuals achieve anything. IMO, any achievement is achieved communally (by an entire community). To take the example from athletics, a winner wins if / when s/he successfully intimidates the loser into losing. IDK, but that’s what I think / feel.


    1. Tanushree Shetty says:

      I guess its with the seld confidence and attitude in your life you can achieve anything…
      I even agree that on total the community level do matter…
      But as a stepping stone in one’s life… Its the individual determination and positiveness matters a lot 😊

      Thanks for your opinions 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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